Recent events have inspired me recently to think about adaptability and acclimatisation. It was just three months and five days ago that we left Sam in charge of our Guelph home to begin this adventure. Since our arrival in Whale Cove we have watched the sun rise every day (sometimes - but not often - obscured by clouds) and each day we have witnessed a noticeable increase in the hours of daylight. There will soon come a day when this will no longer be possible (well yes, possible, but not really desirable) because the sun will be rising before our 6:15 alarm clock call. And shortly after that, sunset will occur after we have retired to bed in the evening. Even now, we still have bright, late-afternoon sunlight as we sit down to dinner. Yet even though we are enjoying long summer-like days of light, today we are treated to a winter blizzard, with winds gusting to 66 km/h and a wind-chill feeling of -35 degrees, a large snow drift blocking the road in front of our house, and visibility ...