Covid Test for Ian is negative


Ian's Covid test came back negative which is a relief.  We are allowed to go outside to walk in the back parking lot supervised while he has symptoms but can't walk at the front where we might see other people and come into contact with them.  We did 20 laps this morning that worked out to just over 5 km with our awesome new boots on!
Meanwhile, we spend lots of our time indoors studying the Nunavut Education Documents.  They are really interesting.  I have been looking into what is called "Land Based Instruction" and came across the list below.  Clearly we will be learning a lot! 


  1. Wow, now I am curious about the differences/similarities between the caribou and seal experience.

  2. Love that curriculum! Glad your negative, Ian!

  3. Looking forward to following your adventures. Had no idea you were embarking upon such an exciting lifestyle. Polar opposite (!) of Florida.

  4. Yea negative! Can't wait to see what you come up with to incorporate those themes.

  5. And that's just during recess! And all of the training for this curricular unit is outside in -40 weather? Can't wait to see pics of that!

  6. For outdoor ed, The Principal and I took students on a camping trip in Paulatuk. I saw the Northern lights up close. I won't forget this trip for many reasons because while we were camping, Julie hiked up for a few hours to where we were to tell me planes had crashed into the twin towers.

    I hope you get to go on an outdoor trip when the weather gets warmer.


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