
Showing posts from December, 2020

Isolation in Winnipeg- Days One and Two

On our first day in isolation we needed to carefully follow the signage about safety as posted on the elevator to be allowed outside to walk in the bright Winnipeg sunlight!  It was beautiful out and our friend Sandra Herbst drove by to wave and left us some lovely Christmas cookies.   Today- Ian has awoken with a runny nose and feeling cold-like crappy so he is off for a COVID test.  Fingers crossed he has just picked up a cold, as lovely as it is we don't want to be in our two room hideaway any longer than necessary. Good news today for New Years'.  Ian's Aunt Lu who lives not too far away will be dropping by homemade wine to assist us to celebrate the end of 2020.   See you in the New Year. 

Travelling and arriving in Winnipeg

We enjoyed a last beer at Toronto's Pearson airport.  The airport was quiet and although odd with distancing and masks, it was a calm start to our great adventure. The flight was uneventful and the snow was falling as we settled into the Airport Hilton Suites Isolation Hub.  The view from the window wasn't too inspiring but we were pleased that the room was a suite with a bedroom and small living area.

Pre-Northern Adventure

10 Suitcases in total plus what we shipped up in advance! We will be leaving Guelph on December 29 and heading to Winnipeg for two weeks of isolation. Then we fly into Nunavut, eventually arriving in the small community of Whale Cove. Follow along as we occasionally post pictures, videos and thoughts of our adventures in Canada's Arctic. Feel free to share this link with anyone who might be interested.  Can't imagine that it will sustain attention for too long, but well we were asked to share so here it is!   More to come!